
Wednesday 4 June 2014

100 Word Challenge

The 100 word challenge is a challenge to write any story you would like to write abort or a fake story you would writ in 100 words. The promt  we were given was 5 words that we had to include in our writting.

Once upon a time there was a child called Beanka that was  8 year old girl and she had no family. Also she was alone by herself but she lived in a black, scary and haunted house she also had to go shopping and it was closed at an afternoon but when she went to all shop’s they were all closed and there are no food for her to eat so she went home with no food and a empty bag that had nothing in it. When she went home she felt it was very cold and she was frizzing. Also she was thinking that it was very weird at her place called U.S.A so she went to her room and she stop because she heard someone in the kitchen so when she went down to the kitchen none was there. And she went all of her rooms, toilet and bathroom none wasn't there so she went to her room and packed all her staff and went outside but her friends surprise her and now she has now remember her friend and she also had live in a happily ever after.

The End!!


  1. Hi Alaskah,

    This is a great first go at the 100 Word challange. I'm really looking forward to seeing what next week's promt is going to be. Are you? Remember in your writing to read back over what you have written to check it make sense and you have put full stops in the right places.

    From Mrs Archer

  2. Hi Alaksah,

    This is some good writing here for your 100 word challange.I'm looking forward for the next one. Aren't you. well, I guess I have to stop now but Well done for your punctuation I really liked your writing.Well done Alaskah:)

    1. Hi Jayda,
      I really like your lovely comment that you post on my blog and I really like your smile at the end of your sentence.


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